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Life is a collection of threads.

          A few days ago, my sister celebrated her 16th birthday and I gifted her the only credible possession I have- my words. I've always felt most comfortable with words and language. I am most inarticulate while expressing but words help me to bring out my most inexplicable ideas and feelings and hence as I sit down to write this, be sure, this post(any post of mine) is more than just a string of words bunched together with meaning.
         Today was just another hot and lazy May afternoon in Mumbai. The transition from how I went about from reading about trade imbalances to drifting to sleep is rather hazy. Apparently, my sister later tells me,is not much of a surprise to her. She is wrong, it was different today. Quite different.
        I abruptly wake up and went into a trance for a couple of minutes.

           "My melancholy mood is finally affecting my sleep, too?",I thought.
   Gathering myself, I washed my face and made myself a cup of tea. As I was sipping through, I got thinking about my abrupt disturbance and it all came rushing. I had been dreaming. I dreamt of the ocean and the mountains.

         "No-travel blues, much?",I smirked and asked my father sitting next to me,"Daddy,can we hope to pull a trip by the end of 2020?"
    " You got to be joking", he replied very nonchalantly and continued after a minute,"Enjoy this too,it's an experience".
     My tryst with life and it's various intricacies has been more or less pleasant. "Huh, you are only 20", you might say. Well, yeah. But I shall ask,"So what? Can't  people have life-defining experiences at a young age?Why are young people invariably deemed inexperienced in matters of life?Is experience only defined by the number of years you've survived since birth?"
At this point, it would be an injustice not to mention my daddy's best advice given to me-

 "Always ask an old person what his life's regrets are. You'd be surprised how those are some of the most overlooked and neglected experiences of life".

This has worked out pretty well for me so far. You do not have to experience something to know the entirety of it, just learn from others.
               Life is a collection of threads- relationships. Our lives start with two threads: our parents; expanding to family, friends, partnerships, enemies and the innumerable invisible ones we have,being a part of society. Threads by definition are 'thin/weak' which I find is an apt representation of human relationships. Today, I shall restrict myself to the one type of relationship I revere and have had numerous contrasting experiences - friendships.
              I consider myself a moody extrovert, which implies I suddenly could turn an introvert given the situation. I have a lot of friends and love making a lot of friends. I'm pretty outgoing that way. I might not know you and still would strike up a conversation if we were found to be sharing the same table in the canteen or waiting for the same bus at the bus stop. Hence, I have a lot of "contacts". Note the clear distinction between friendship and contacts.Here is where a lot of us falter, mistaking mere acquaintances for friends. This is not necessarily as bad as it sounds. It's fun, but that's it. Life isn't always fun,right?
            I've had a lot of great friendships,online friendships, friendships turning into strangers, friendships turning into enmity- I've seen it all and learnt a lot. Ending toxic friendships is a necessity. Do not feel bad about it; you should though, if you are dragging it for emotional/irrational reasons. 
          There are times when you don't want to approach your parents regarding issues. There are times when you feel horrible due to external stimuli and you want a vent. There are times you want to share your happiest moments with the world. There are times when you are bored to death at 2 A.M and want to just babble shit, because that's so stress-relieving! I'm fortunate enough to have my 2 A.M friends- they are my best friends, rather my family <3. It is extremely difficult dealing with me. I am hot tempered, have sudden bouts of emotions, anger or happiness. If there is a God, I would thank Him every single day of my life for giving me these angelic people. I do not deserve even an iota of their love towards me. 
          There will be moments of extreme love, fights, misunderstandings and even hate. That's normal and expected. Do not let your ego come in the way of your friendships(this is coming from a highly egoistic arse**). Apologize,if necessary, even if it is not your fault. These are the people who will support you, believe in you, love you for your imperfections and be there for you even at 2A.M through thick and thin. The only reason I could survive my depressing phase was because of my best friends, when even your parents lose faith in you. Believe me. Learn to adjust. If you don't like a certain aspect about them,turn a blind eye(unless it's something bad). Try to adapt to their habits and choices. Don't be a stickler to your beliefs and ideas.
         You may not need lovers to sail through life, but you would definitely want to have best buddies. It's just so underrated. Life is so much more colourful. I chose this topic today because I just had a major row with one of my best buddies. I'm penning this down an a permanent reminder of my flaws and the importance of them in my life,which I keep forgetting every time there's even a slight disagreement. 
        Go out, hug your friends and tell them how much you love them. They will probably give you strange looks and might even say," Apne nakhre kisi aur ko dikha", but they'll smile internally and feel blessed. 



  1. Nicely expressed
    Your buddies are so lucky to have someone like you ;) ♥️

    1. Thank you. Sending love to you, unknown <3


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